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Adapt to Survive: Business transformation in a time of uncertainty

Auteur : Loorbach Derk, Tuxworth Ben, Delaney Denise ...[et al.]
Collectivite Auteur : United Nations Environment Programme
Année de Publication : 2021
Type : Rapport
Thème : Repères du développement économique

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Business at a time of transformation
2. The scale and pace of environmental change is unprecedented
3. The global economic system is locked into a pattern of environmental damage
4. Emerging key sustainability transitions
4.1 Transforming the world: it’s already happening, slowly
5. Towards a Nature Positive Economy
6. How to reach this new future
6.1 The role of business in achieving transformational change
7. How to make business thrive
7.1 Understand the baseline
7.2 Set a nature-focused purpose and strategy
7.3 Establish nature-focused goals and report on performance
7.4 Disrupt business from within
7.5 Find new partners
7.6 Change the definition of success
8. The journey is as important as the destination

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