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Who is reaching whom? Depth of outreach of rural micro finance institutions in Ghana

Auteur : Awusabo-Asare K., Annim S. K., Abane A. M. ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2009
Type : Article
Thème : Repères du développement économique
Couverture : Ghana

Résumé/Sommaire :

Outreach of microfinance institutions has been saddled with the definition of who is poor specificallywithin the context of an individual’s capability to access financial and non-financial services. This paperpresents empirical results of the structure of the microfinance market in Ghana as per institutions anddefines the market target of each of the institutions based on the socio-economic characteristics of theclients Using the Microfinance Poverty Assessment Tool, data on 2704 households comprising of 1104and 1600 non-clients and clients respectively, are collected to compute the household level relativepoverty scores. The computed scores unraveled the depth of outreach of each microfinance institution.Five broad categories of microfinance institutions where identified namely; Rural and CommunityBanks, Financial Non-Governmental Organizations, Savings and Loans Companies, Susu Associationsand Collectors and Credit Unions. The study results showed that the rural and community banks andthe financial NGOs reached out to all categories of clients ranging from the extremely poor in the lowestwealth quintile to the poor in the highest quintile. At the other end, savings and loans companies andsusu collectors reached clients within the above average and highest quintiles, while credit unionsreached out to clients from the average to the highest quintile. Among factors alluding to the differentmarket niches include; source of funds, strategies for outreach and mission of the institution. Thederived policy implication is to harness the relative market strengths of the institutions and designspecific products to deepen each institutions capability.

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