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Private Equity in the North African Region : Case Study of Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria

Auteur : Alsina Albert, Albarracín Javier
Année de Publication : 2013
Type : Etude
Thème : Repères du développement économique
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. What is private equity
1.1. How private equity business works
1.2. The importance of private equity in economic growth
1.2.1. Private equity helps companies grow
1.2.2. Private equity contributes to job creation
1.2.3. Private equity promotes company investments
1.2.4. Private equity is the key to innovation
1.2.5. Private equity increases companies’ internationalisation capabilities
1.2.6. Private equity lowers companies’ failure rate
1.2.7. Private equity’s commitment to socially responsible investments
1.3. Private equity growth related to GDP
2. Private equity funds in the north african region
2.1. The early days of private equity industry in the north african region
2.2. The current trend of private equity funds in the north african region
2.3. Main funds in the region and general trends
2.4. The role of private equity in the economy of the region
2.4.1. Powerful channel for financing SME
2.4.2. Impact on jobs
2.5. Global results of funds of the region
2.5.1. Internal rate of return (IRR) of funds in the region
2.5.2. Investment sectors
2.5.3. Exits
3. Legal framework of private equity in Morocco, Tunisia And Algeria
3.1. Morocco
3.1.1 Current legal framework of private equity in Morocco : analysis and recommendations
3.1.2 Tax analysis
3.2. Tunisia
3.3. Algeria
4. Regional integration is the key to the growth of the economies of Morocco, Tunisia And Algeria
4.1. Recommendations for regional integration in north Africa
5. Recommendations and conclusions on the private equity industry in the north african region

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