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Doing Business 2015 : Going Beyond Efficiency

Collectivite Auteur : World Bank. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Année de Publication : 2014
Type : Rapport
Thème : Repères du développement économique
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :


1- Foreword
2- Overview
3- About Doing Business
4- What is changing in Doing Business?
5- Reforming the business environment in 2013/14
6- Case studies :
- Starting a business : The growing efficiency of company registries
- Zoning and urban planning : Understanding the benefits
- Registering property : Measuring the quality of land administration systems
- Getting credit : The importance of registries
- Protecting minority investors : Going beyond related-party transactions
- Paying taxes : Trends before and after the financial crisis
- Enforcing contracts : How judicial efficiency supports freedom of contract
- Resolving insolvency : Measuring the strength of insolvency laws
- Highlights from the Doing Business research conference
- References
- Data notes
- Distance to frontier and ease of doing business ranking
- Summaries of Doing Business reforms in 2013/14
- Country tables
- Labor market regulation data

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