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WORLD ECONOMIC OUTLOOK : Managing Divergent Recoveries

Auteur : Gopinath Gita, Koeva Brooks Petya, Nabar Malhar ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2021
Type : Rapport
Thème : Repères du développement économique
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

Chapter 1. Global Prospects and Policies
- Divergent Recoveries amid High Uncertainty
- Pandemic Continues to Exact a Severe Human Toll
- Unprecedented Policy Actions Prevented Far Worse Outcomes
- Outlook: Emerging Divergences and Challenges for Policy
- Diverging Paths, GDP below Pre-Pandemic Projections
- Inflation Pressure to Remain Contained in Most Countries
- Cross-Border Services Trade Expected to Remain Subdued
- One Overarching Uncertainty and Many Risks
- Policy Priorities
- Tailor Policies to the Stages of the Pandemic and Recovery
Phase 1: Escaping the Crisis
Phase 2: Safeguarding the Recovery
Phase 3: Investing in the Future
- Scenario Box 22
Box 1.1. Global Manufacturing: V-Shaped Recovery and Implications for the Global Outlook
Box 1.2. Who Suffers Most from Climate Change? The Case of Natural Disasters
- Special Feature: Commodity Market Developments and Forecasts
Chapter 2. After-Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Prospects for Medium-Term Economic Damage
- Demand and Supply in a Low-Contact Economy: A Primer on the Pandemic Shock
- Analysis of Historical Recessions
- Implications for the Medium Term: How Persistent Are Output Damages from COVID-19 Likely to Be?
- Policies to Limit Persistent Damage
Box 2.1. A Perfect Storm Hits the Hotel and Restaurant Sector
Box 2.2. Education Losses during the Pandemic and the Role of Infrastructure
Chapter 3. Recessions and Recoveries in Labor Markets: Patterns, Policies, and Responses to the COVID-19 Shock
- Sectoral Shocks, Trends in Reallocation, and the Business Cycle
- Labor Market Transitions, Inequality, and Recessions
- Policy Responses to the COVID-19 Shock: Job Retention versus Worker Reallocation
Chapter 4. Shifting Gears: Monetary Policy Spillovers during the Recovery from COVID-19
- Spillovers from Monetary Policy Surprises in Advanced Economies
- Spillovers from Economic News in Advanced Economies
- Determinants of Emerging Market Monetary Policy Reactions
Box 4.1. Emerging Market Asset Purchase Programs: Rationale and Effectiveness

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