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Report on the national system of agricultural research in Tunisia

Auteur : Lasram Mustapha
Type : Etude
Thème : Agriculture
Couverture : Tunisie

Résumé/Sommaire :

Plan :

I. Agricultural research institutions


  1. Agricultural research establishments ;

  2. Higher Education institutions in Agriculture;

  3. Research and Service Establishments ;

  4. Research in Agencies ;

  5. Private Research.


II. Relations between the national network and othear ctivities:


  1. Relations with agricultural training Colleges;

  2. Relations with the University;

  3. Relations with agricultural organizations.


III. National organization of agricultural research;

IV. Human resources;

V. Material resources:


  1. Infrastructure ;

  2. Equipment and services ;


  1. 3 Financial Resources.


VI. Research programs and results :


  1. Choice of program orientation ;

  2. Definition of programs ;

  3. Socio-economic aspects ;

  4. Influence of international aid ;

  5. Evaluation of results ;

  6. Distribution of scientists by group;

  7. Themes proposed for cooperation with ICAMAS.


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