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The Geography of Innovation: Local Hotspots, Global Networks : World Intellectual Property : Report 2019

Auteur : Gurry Francis, Fink Carsten, Raffo Julio ...[et al.}
Année de Publication : 2019
Type : Rapport
Thème : Recherche et développement

Résumé/Sommaire :

Chapter 1 : The changing global geography of innovation
1.1 Concentration of innovation in urban hotspots
1.2 Networks and the global spread of innovation
1.3 Conclusions
Chapter 2 : Global networks of innovation hotspots
2.1 The two sides of global knowledge production
2.2 Global networks of collaboration and sourcing
2.3 Local innovation and global networks of innovative hubs
Chapter 3 : Auto and tech companies – the drive for autonomous vehicles
3.1 Definitions
3.2 Technological evolution of the automotive industry
3.3 Technological shift
3.4 Competition and cooperation in AV
3.5 Role of geography in AV technology
3.6 AV innovation, countries and cities
3.7 Is AV technology changing the geography of innovation in automotive industry?
3.8 Potential positive and negative impacts of AVs
Chapter 4 : Plant biotechnology – connecting urban innovation and rural application
4.1 The rising importance of plant biotechnology
4.2 The innovation landscape of plant biotechnology
4.3 The innovation network of plant biotechnology
4.4 Future of plant biotechnology
Chapter 5 : Policy perspectives: the case for openness
5.1 The economics of openness
5.2 Openness in the age of falling R&D productivity

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