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The World in 2050 : Will the shift in global economic power continue?

Auteur : Hawksworth John, Chan Danny, Nevin Andrew ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2015
Type : Rapport
Thème : Prospective

Résumé/Sommaire :


1. Summary: The world in 2050
1.1. Highlights
1.2. Key findings: GDP projections to 2050
1.3. Implications for business strategy
2. Introduction
2.1. Background to the ‘World in 2050’ reports
2.2. Our modelling approach
2.3. What has changed since the January 2013 update?
2.4. Structure of this report
3. Key results
3.1. Relative size of the economies
3.2. Projected real GDP growth
3.3. Relative income levels
3.4. Scenario analysis
4. Institutional challenges and business implications
4.1. Escaping the middle income trap : the critical role of institutions
4.2. Implications for business strategy

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