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The Potential of Green Aquaculture in Africa: Status and Prospects for Seaweed Farming

Auteur : Tous Philippe
Année de Publication : 2022
Type : Rapport
Thème : Pêche
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

This note reviews the most recent work and focuses on seaweed culture as part of a series on different forms of green aquaculture to highlight its potential
environmental, economic and social co-benefits. Aquaculture offers advantages on several levels that are closely aligned to the Bank’s strategy. Beyond feeding Africa, green aquaculture belongs to nature-based solutions that contribute to the industrialisation of the continent and represents local value addition with a negative carbon footprint. It thus contributes to improving the living conditions of African people by providing them with livelihoods and long-term skills that
increase their resilience, while restoring ecosystem services. The note proposes recommendations to the Bank’s regional member countries on how to best promote this promising sector.

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