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FISH TO 2030 : Prospects for Fisheries and Aquaculture

Auteur : Msangi Siwa, Kobayashi Mimako, Batka Miroslav ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2013
Type : Rapport
Thème : Pêche
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :


Chapter 1 : Introduction
1.1. Motivations and Objective
1.2. Lessons from Fish to 2020
1.3. Strategy of Improving Modeling Framework in Fish to 2030
1.4. Policy Research Questions
Chapter 2 : Preparing IMPACT Model for Fish to 2030
2.1. Basics of IMPACT Model
2.2. IMPACT Model Structure
2.3. Data Used and Parameter Specifi cation
2.4. Establishing a Consistent Base-Year Picture
2.5. Assessing the Quality of Projections
2.6. Issues and Discussions
Chapter 3 : IMPACT Projections to 2030 under the Baseline Specification
3.1. Production
3.2. Consumption
3.3. Trade and Prices
3.4. Fishmeal and Fish Oil
Chapter 4 : IMPACT Projections to 2030 under Selected Scenarios
4.1. Scenario 1 : Faster Aquaculture Growth
4.2. Scenario 2 : Expanded Use of Fish Processing Waste in Fishmeal and Fish Oil Production
4.3. Scenario 3 : A Major Disease Outbreak in Shrimp Aquaculture in Asia
4.4. Scenario 4 : Accelerated Shift of Consumer Preferences in China
4.5. Scenario 5 : Improvement of Capture Fisheries Productivity
4.6. Scenario 6 : Impacts of Climate Change on the Productivity of Capture Fisheries
Chapter 5 : Discussion
5.1. Main Findings from the Analysis
5.2. Discussion and Possible Future Directions

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