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Digitalization & Energy

Auteur : Turk Dave, Cozzi Laura, Levina Ellina ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2017
Type : Etude
Thème : Nouvelle économie

Résumé/Sommaire :

I- Digitalization : a new era in energy?
- Highlights
- What is digitalization?
- How pervasive is digitalization?
- A new era of digitalization in energy?
- Purpose and structure of report
II- Impact of digitalization on energy demand in transport, buildings and industry
- Highlights
- Transport
- Buildings
- Industry
III- Impact of digitalization on oil and gas, coal, and power supply
- Highlights
- Oil and gas
- Coal
- Power sector
IV- System-wide impacts: From energy silos to digitally interconnected systems
- Highlights
- Digitalization is transforming the way the electricity system functions
- Smart demand response
- Integration of variable renewables
- The growing role of EVs
- Distributed generation, mini-grids and “prosumers”
- Towards ever-smarter energy systems
V- Energy use by information and communications technologies
- Highlights
- Current energy use and near-term
- Long-term energy demand outlook
- Policy considerations
VI- Cross-cutting risks: Cybersecurity, privacy and economic disruption
- Highlights
- Digital security
- Data privacy and ownership
- Economic disruption: Jobs and skills in an increasingly digitalized energy world
VII- Policy
- Highlights
- Promoting energy access, sustainability and security
- Digital tools to improve the policy-making process
- Policy frameworks and market design
- No-regrets policy recommendations

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