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Lifelong Learning in the Global Knowledge Economy : Challenges for Developing Countries: A World Bank Report

Collectivite Auteur : The World Bank
Année de Publication : 2003
Type : Rapport
Thème : Nouvelle économie
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :


1 The Knowledge Economy and the Changing Needs of the Labor Market

1.1. Implications of the Knowledge Economy for

1.2. Education and Training .3

1.3. Human Capital and Knowledge as Sources of Economic Growth

1.4. The State of Education in Developing Countries and Transition Economies

1.5. Increased Demand for Skills

1.6. Women, Technology, and Education

1.7. Employer Demands and Private Education

1.8. Sector Responses

2 Transforming Learning

2.1. Equipping Learners with the Skills and

2.2. Competencies They Need to Succeed in a Knowledge Economy

2.3. Changing the Way People Learn

2.4 .Expanding Learning Opportunities

2.5. The Importance of Career Guidance and Counselling

2.6. Governing the Lifelong Learning System

2.7. Trends in Governance

2.8 .Frame work for Quality Assurance

2.9. Increasing Equity

3. Governing the Lifelong Learning System

3.1. Trends in Governance

3.2. Framework for Quality Assurance

3.3. Increasing Equity

4. Options for Financing Lifelong Learning

4.1. The Growing Need to Support Lifelong

4.2. Learning Principles for Financing Lifelong Learning

4.3. Policy Options for Financing Learning beyond the Core Competencies

4.4. Policy Options for Financing Training and Non traditional Learning

4.5. Financing Lifelong Learning in Developing

4.6. Countries and Transition Economies

5 Moving Forward

5.1. Benchmarking National Systems of Lifelong Learning

5.2. The Permanent Nature of Change

5.3. The World Bank's Support for Lifelong Learning

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