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Learning to export - evidence from Moroccan manufacturing

Auteur : Fafchamps Marcel, El Hamine Said, Zeufack Albert
Collectivite Auteur : World Bank
Année de Publication : 2002
Type : Rapport
Thème : Industrie
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :


Fafchamps, Hamine, and Zeufack test two alternative firms that export. Most do so immediately after creation. models of learning to export: productivity learning, The authors also find that, among exporters, new whereby firms learn to reduce production costs, and products are exported very rapidly after production has market learning, whereby firms learn to design products begun. The share of exported output nevertheless that appeal to foreign consumers. increases for 2-3 years after a new product is introduced. Using panel and cross-section data on Moroccan Old firms are unlikely to switch to exports, even in manufacturers, the authors uncover evidence of market response to changes in macroeconomic incentives. The learning but little evidence of productivity learning. authors find a positive relationship between exports and These findings are consistent with the concentration of productivity and conclude that it is the resuilt of self- Mloroccan manufacturing exports in consumer items- selection: it is the more productive firms that move into the garment, textile, and leather sectors. It is the young exports. Policy implications are discussed.

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