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Proposal of a research design for the implementation of new vectors of supply chain transformation : application to the aeronautical industry in Morocco using a knowledge management approach in an ecosystemic context

Auteur : Ettaibi Mohamed, Mokhtari Bouchaib
Année de Publication : 2021
Type : Article
Thème : Industrie
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

In the context of the new economy, the new vectors of competitiveness of companies in the aerospace industry organized within efficient ecosystems (EFECO) will be based more on knowledge. These are Industry 4.0 and the decarbonization of production based on knowledge management (KM). These two levers will be the foundations of the transformation of the aeronautical supply chain in the future. For their implementation, we made a case study on a non-probability sample of 17 partners. At the end of this investigation, we propose implementing a new generation of transversal ecosystems within the framework o f a n ew Industrial Acceleration Plan 2.0. This new form of organization will facilitate a collaborative sharing of knowledge between all the ecosystemic components with a view to innovation. Starting from the Industrial Acceleration Plan ( IAP) (2014-2020), we will make our proposal based on a knowledge management approach. In this context, our epistemological posture will be interpretative with a constructivism arranged. Our methodological approach will be qualitative. Our study will be in line with a perspective of proactivity and supposition.

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