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Customs modernization initiatives: case studies

Collectivite Auteur : The World Bank
Année de Publication : 2004
Type : Etude
Thème : Finances
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

This volume presents case studies of customs modernization

initiatives in eight developing countries: Bolivia, Ghana, Morocco,

Mozambique, Peru, the Philippines, Turkey , and Uganda.

The purpose of these case studies was to obtain a firsthand view

of how these countries undertook customs reforms and to assess

their success.

All the case studies except for the one on Ghana were prepared using

basically the same methodology, which aimed at identifying the origins

of the reforms, the main drivers, and the outcomes. The Ghana case

study is somewhat different ,because it focuses on how the automation

of trade and customs processes took the lead in the trade facilitation

and customs reform.

The country case studies were prepared by customs experts and consultants

who had either participated in the reform processes in the countries reviewed

or accumulated significant technical knowledge of customs reform and

modernization processes in a worldwide context. The selection of countries

aimed to assess initiatives used in different continents in the hope that their

unique characteristics would yield interesting insights.

The country case studies were undertaken with a common approach to

ensure comprehensiveness and comparability.

They targeted five areas of the reform process:

1. The background of the reform and modernization

process, including its economic and institutional

context, factors leading to reform decisions,

supporters, objectives and design, and

financial and technical support

2. The issues pertinent to the reform process

3. The reform measures themselves, including

legislation; management changes; staff-related

questions, such as pay, selection, training,

integrity, and corruption; information technology;

valuation; experience with pres

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