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Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability: Summary for Policymakers

Auteur : Hans-O. Pörtner, Debra C. Roberts, Helen Adams ...[et al.]
Date de publication : 27/02/2022
Type : Synthèse / Résumé
Thème : Environnement

Résumé/Sommaire :

SPM.A: Introduction
Box SPM.1: AR6 Common Climate Dimensions, Global Warming Levels and Reference Periods
SPM.B: Observed and Projected Impacts and Risks
-Observed Impacts from Climate Change
-Vulnerability and Exposure of Ecosystems and People
-Risks in the near term (2021-2040)
-Mid to Long-term Risks (2041–2100)
-Complex, Compound and Cascading Risks
-Impacts of Temporary Overshoot
SPM.C: Adaptation Measures and Enabling Conditions
-Current Adaptation and its Benefits
-Future Adaptation Options and their Feasibility
-Limits to Adaptation
-Avoiding Maladaptation
-Enabling Conditions
SPM.D: Climate Resilient Development
-Conditions for Climate Resilient Development
-Enabling Climate Resilient Development
-Climate Resilient Development for Natural and Human Systems
-Achieving Climate Resilient Development

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