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Making finance consistent with climate goals : Insights for operationalising Article 2.1c of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement

Auteur : Whitley Shelagh, Thwaites Joe, Wright Helena ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2018
Type : Rapport
Thème : Environnement

Résumé/Sommaire :

1- Introduction
2- Framework for operationalising Article 2.1c
3- Driving action
3.1. Creating enabling frameworks: financial policies and regulations
3.2. Aligning price signals and public resources: effective use of fiscal policy and budgets
3.3. Harnessing public finance to shape wider investment
3.4. Using information instruments to increase transparency and establish standards
4- Tracking progress
4.1. Potential approaches for tracking progress towards Article 2.1c
4.2. Key current examples of tracking progress towards Article 2.1c
4.3. Wider approaches for determining consistency of finance with Paris Agreement objectives
5- Raising ambition
5.1. Key elements of the UNFCCC architecture supporting increased ambition towards Article 2.1c
5.2. Key initiatives beyond UNFCCC supporting increased ambition towards Article 2.1c
6 Next steps for operationalising Article 2.1c
6.1. Next steps within the UNFCCC
6.2. Next steps beyond the UNFCCC
6.3. Conclusion

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