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Auteur : Altenburg Tilman, Assmann Claudia, Ambec Stefan ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2017
Type : Rapport
Thème : Environnement

Résumé/Sommaire :

Executive summary
Part 1: conceptual foundations
Chapter 1. Green industrial policy : accelerating structural change towards wealthy green economies
Part 2. The economic and social co-benefits of green transformation
Chapter 2. What can developing countries gain from a green transformation?
Chapter 3. Gaining competitive advantage with green policy
Chapter 4. Enhancing job creation through the green transformation
Part 3. Accelerating change
Chapter 5. In with the good, out with the bad : phasing out polluting sectors as green industrial policy
Chapter 6. Developing green technologies and phasing them in
Chapter 7. Pricing environmental resources and pollutants and the competitiveness of national industries
Chapter 8. Promoting circular economies
Chapter 9. Trade and investment law and green industrial policy
Part 4. Country experiences
Chapter 10. Renewable energy as a trigger for industrial development in Morocco
Chapter 11. Germany : The energy transition as a green industrial development agenda
Chapter 12. Electric mobility and the quest for automobile industry upgrading in China
Chapter 13. Ethanol policy in Brazil : a ‘green’ policy by accident?

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