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Questioning energy transition in a decentralized Moroccan context : Study case : the city of Oujda in the Oriental Region, Morocco

Auteur : Gillot Cécile
Collectivite Auteur : Institut d'Urbanisme et de Géographie Alpine de Grenoble
Année de Publication : 2021
Type : Thèse / Mémoire
Thème : Energie et mines
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Research framework and methodology
1.1 Concepts and framework of analysis
1.2 Methodology
1.3 Field of research: the evolution of the Moroccan centralized strategy
2. Local contribution to the energy transition : characterization of decentralized roles, limits and other favorable factors
2.1 Legal basis and national strategy for territorializing energy transition
2.2 Power transfers come with responsibility, but with few means : coordination, training and legal competencies are the limit
2.3 Other favorable factors for local action
3. Vision of the energy transition in Oujda : a case of local neoliberalism?
3.1 Why defining energy “transition”
3.2 Neoliberalism : core element of decentralization?

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