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Case Study on Policy Reforms to Promote Renewable Energy in Morocco

Année de Publication : 2018
Type : Etude
Thème : Energie et mines
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

I. Country brief
II. Energy-sector characteristics
1. Primary energy supply
2. Characteristics of electrical sector
3. Energy-demand characteristics
4. Energy intensity
5. Energy–water nexus
6. CO2 emissions
III. Renewable energy potential
1. Assessment methodology
2. Renewable energy potential for power generation
3. Renewable energy potential for direct uses
4. Potential for local integration and manufacturing
IV. Current and prior policy status
1. Renewable energy strategy
2. Renewable energy targets
3. Present renewable energy policies and institutional framework
4. Suitability of current renewable energy policies and institutional frame work to meet announced strategies and targets
V. Economic, environmental and policy analysis
1. Overall impact of the policy measures introduced to the renewable energy market in Morocco
2. Analysis of potential economic and social impacts of the evolution of the renewable energy market in Morocco
3. Environmental impacts
VI. Policy design consideration
VII. Barriers for implementing renewable energy
1. Economics and financial barriers
2. Market failures and imperfections
3. Political, institutional and regulatory barriers
4. Technical barriers
VIII. Conclusions and recommendations

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