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Smart Grids in the Developing World

Auteur : Tongiad Rahul
Date de publication : 29/09/2010
Type : Exposé
Thème : Energie et mines

Résumé/Sommaire :


· Smart Grids have Arrived in India!

· What Smart Grids really mean

· Drivers for Smart Metering and Grids

· Future (or even Subtle) Drivers

· Driver: Variability in Demand (NY)

· Peak Load in ISO-NE Change Between 1980 and 2006

· Utilization of Generation and Distribution Assets (PG&E-California Utility)

· Marginal cost of electricity depends on the load

· European Position on Smart Grids

· Consensus on Common Goals; How does Europe Get There?

· Some (Global) Hard Policy and Design Qs

· Stakeholders, Innovation and Process

· Refrigerators (as a subset of HVAC)

· US Refrigerator Efficiency (by Year of Purchase)

· The Future will be Different

· Thinking of the Future…We need Smart Grids

· We’re in this for the long run…

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