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Urban Poverty Alleviation in Morocco

Auteur : FADILI Monceyf
Collectivite Auteur : United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Ministry of Employment, Morocco
Date de publication : 01/06/2001
Année de Publication : 2006
Type : Etude
Thème : Economie sociale
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

The evolution of human settlements in Morocco since the 1996 Habitat II Conference and the adoption of the Habitat Agenda came in a political context marked by the advent of the "Gouvernement d’alternance". Since 1998, this government has set social development as one of its priority areas of action due to the stark economic and social deficit in urban areas and the increasing level of poverty.

At the institutional level, the departments concerned with human settlements and territory (Ministry of Territory Development, Urban Planning, Housing and Environment) have been clustered, thus enhancing the coherence of actions in line with the will to set up economic zones better integrated within their regional contexts, devolve better targeted and concerted roles on local actors, and devise a new approach to the urban improvement issues, especially in the area of housing.

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