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The social and solidarity economy (SSE) in Morocco

Auteur : El Mekkaoui Najat, Forouheshfar Yeganeh, Loukili Sara
Année de Publication : 2021
Type : Article
Thème : Economie sociale
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

Evidence from developing and developed countries shows a significant impact of cooperatives, as Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) entities, on formal job creation.
The Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) in Morocco promotes social and economic development. A ten-year strategy was adopted in 2010 to encourage the development of economic activity within the framework of the social and solidarity economy.
There is very little research on the SSE in Morocco and, to our knowledge, there is no evaluation on its impact on employment. This paper provides a better understanding of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) in Morocco, its main dynamics and impact on employment.
Our aim in this paper is to evaluate the SSE’s capacity to create and to facilitate the transition from informal activity to the formal economy. We conduct a quantitative and qualitative Survey and discuss some crucial challenges and weaknesses that SSEs face. Our results highlight that SSE structures have gained the capacity to create jobs after their first year of activity. The SSE becomes a catalyst of social change by providing decent income opportunities for both men and women.

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