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The contribution of cooperatives to sustainable development : the case of a cactus valorization cooperative

Auteur : Layadi Hasna, Rouggani Khalid, Nabil Amine Bouayad
Année de Publication : 2016
Type : Article
Thème : Economie sociale
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

As organizations based on values and guided by principles, cooperative enterprises are by nature a form of sustainable business. They focus on job security, improving working conditions, profit sharing and the distribution of dividends by promoting knowledge and practice of democracy and social inclusion.
Thus, cooperatives are well placed to contribute to the fundamental objectives of sustainable development in economic, social and environmental, because they are concerned companies of economic advancement of their members while satisfying their social interests and protecting the environment. They propose an alternative model of social enterprise whose contribution to sustainability goes well beyond job creation (one of the components of the triptych of sustainable development).
Although the contribution of cooperatives in the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and the share they represent in the total number of companies are relatively small, their promotion and development could be a major instrument for achieving national goals of sustainable development.
It is in this sense that fits the purpose of our article. This is to highlight the contribution of cooperatives to sustainable development and stimulates discussion on the role of cooperatives in the design and implementation of national sustainable development goals; based on a case study in a cooperative business through a qualitative study based on content analysis.

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