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Estabilshing Morocco as a credible French- speaking offshoring destination

Année de Publication : 2008
Type : Projet
Thème : Economie de services
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Positioning: Morocco’s approach to building globally competitive exporting industries

2. Concrete impacts on the ground: Acceleration of growth in French-Speaking Offshoring

1. Morocco’s approach to building globally competitive exporting industries

· Strong focus on Priority Sectors – as “fuel” for transversal reforms

· “Flagship Projects”/Special Zones as forcing devices for fast impact on the ground

· Government as a Strategic Architect (shaping, impulsion)

· FDI as an accelerator and credibility tool

· Discontinuity in means for a discontinuity in impacts

2. Concrete impact on the ground:

· Achievements to date in 3 core sectors : Tourism, Automotive, BPO/Offshoring

· Zoom on BPO/Offshoring : acceleration of growth and leadership in the French-speaking world.

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