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Auteur : Gourdon Julien
Année de Publication : 2007
Type : Thèse / Mémoire
Thème : Commerce

Résumé/Sommaire :

Chapter 1. Explaining trade flows : traditional and new deteminants of trade patterns
1. Approaches to explain trade patterns
1.1 Empirical approach to “test” the theorem
1.2 Extensions to the strict HO theorem
2. Empirical approach
2.1 A selection model
2.2 Construction & measure for commodities clusters
2.3 Construction & measure for factors endowments
2.4 Construction & measure of “new” determinants of trade
2.5 Construction & measure of trade intensity explanatory variables
3 Results
3.1 Goodness of fit
3.2 Conventional factors versus “new” factors: ANOVA estimates
3.3 Comparative advantage
3.4 Intensity of Trade
4 Conclusions
Chapter 2. Oppeness and inequality in developing countries : a new look at the evidence
1 Empirical approach
1.1 Usual test
1.2 Heterogeneity among developing countries
1.3 Different skill categories
1.4 Differences in natural resource abundance
2 Measure of openness through a gravity model
2.1 Which sort of index for openness?
2.2 A Gravity model to measure Openness
2.3 Robustness test of the gravity-based index
3 Trade openness and income inequality
3.1 Data and econometric specifications
3.2 Extensions of previous results
3.3 Adding different skill categories and accounting for mineral/fuel resources
3.4 Robustness checks
4 Conclusions
Chapter 3. Trade and wage inequality in developing countries : south-south trade matters
1 Review of the Empirical Literature
1.1 Basic Stopler-Samuelson Theory
1.2 Evidence for Developing Countries
1.3 Heterogeneity among developing countries
1.4 Shifting industries from North to South
1.5 Skill-biased technological change
1.6 Industry wage premiums
1.7 Cross-countries studies
2 South-South trade and wage inequality: a model
3 South-South trade and wage inequality: A first look at the data 128
3.1 Inter industry Specialization among developing countries
3.2 Sector biased technological change
4 Econometric specification
4.1 Models
4.2 Data
5 OLS Results
5.1 South-South trade increases wage inequality for middle income countries
5.2 Sector biased technological change matter
5.3 Quantile estimations on industries
5.4 TFP rather than Labor productivity
5.5 Robustness check
6 GMM System

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