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E-Commerce and the Digital Economy in LDCs: At Breaking Point in COVID-19 Times

Collectivite Auteur : Nations Unis. UNCTAD
Année de Publication : 2022
Type : Rapport
Thème : Commerce

Résumé/Sommaire :

-LDCs have fallen further behind in digital trade during COVID-19
-Barriers to ICT uptake and use in LDCs
-Voices from entrepreneurs amidst the pandemic
-LDCs’ performance in UNCTAD’s B2C E-commerce Index
-Strengthening the e-commerce readiness of LDCs
eTrade Readiness Assessments and their impact on the ground
Developing E-commerce Strategies in LDCs
Strengthening the legal and regulatory landscape for e-commerce in LDCs
Bridging the digital gender divide in LDCs
-Trade negotiations, e-commerce and LDCs
E-commerce in the WTO and the JSI Negotiations
E-commerce in RTAs involving LDCs
-Voices from recipient Governments

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