Année de Publication :
Type : Rapport
Thème : Commerce
Couverture : Maroc
Principaux résultats de l'intégration du Maroc dans les CVM
Recommandations en vue d'améliorer les statistiques nationales
Executive Summary
Main results of the integration of Morocco in GVCs
Recommendations towards improved national statistics
1. Morocco in Global Value Chains : first results
1.1. The role of foreign and domestic value added in exports
1.2. The destination of domestic value added produced in Morocco
1.3. The importance of services
1.4. The origin of moroccan domestic final demand
1.5. Industry profiles : textiles and chemicals
2. TiVA input data review report
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Main conclusions and recommendations
2.3. Review of moroccan national accounts data
2.4. Review of moroccan international merchandise trade statistics
2.5. Review of moroccan international trade in services statistics
2.6. Importance of time-series information in SUTs or national accounts by activity data
2.7. Preparation of moroccan data for integration in TiVA