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Auteur : Choukr-Allah R.
Type : Article
Thème : Agriculture
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

Morocco protected cultivation is based on unheated greenhouses. The estimated area of protected culture is estimated at 8,540 ha including vegetables, cut flowers and h i t crops. The main vegetable cropsa re tomato, melon, watermelon, pepper, green beans and strawberries. Roses and carnation are the leading cut flowers and banana and grapes atrhee major fiuit crops cultivated under plastic. At the present time, the protected cultivation industry is moving fiom the northern to the southern part of Morocco. Trends in plastic greenhouse structure are changing from the hemi-cylindrical quonset type to multispan structuresa s well as the canarian type. Strong competition withtihne Mediterranean countries is forcing the plasticulture industryi n Morocco to look to the development of a new structuraes well as new agrotechnology to improve the quality of production at a lower cost. The change in protected culture operation and technology in the last ten yehaarss been unprecedented inM orocco. Fertigation, long shelflife cultivars, bumblebee pollination, geothermal heating, mulching, substrates culture, integrated pest management, to name but a few, are becoming recognized as regular greenhouse practices. The development of new marketS.and intensive competition withinth e Mediterranean countries to produce a high quality product has shifted public attitudes vis-à-vis protected culture production fiom simply growing crops toward entreprise management.

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