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Auteur : Besri M.
Type : Article
Thème : Agriculture
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

In general, in Morocco, the commercial prcduction of vegetable crops in greenhouses is follswing traditional and empirical methods. Only few years ago, a yield of 60 T/ha of tomato was considered a fair production. Now, yields of 200 T/ha can be attained. There has been a revolution in the greenhouse production technology: Greenhouse type, quality of the plastic cover, fertirrigation, plastic mulch, new high yielding hybrids, specific pesticides, post-harvest technology. However, the intensification of vegetable production has created new optimal conditions for the development of many diseases. Pest problems were relatively simple in the early years, but they increased in importance as intensive cultivation continued. The prevailing greenhouse types in Morocco have limited ventilation. Therefore, prevention of airborne disease is not always very successful because of the lack of ventilation. In the green houses, the development of Psetrdoperomspra cubensis, Scelerotinia spp., Botrytis cinerea, Phytophthora infestans, Altenaria solani is very important. Furrow irrigation, which continues to be used by many growers may cause oxygen deficiencies in the root system increasing thereby the risks of disease and nematode attack. It increase humidity and the water is not used ewith fficiency. In many vegetables areas , the water salt content is very high. This salinity increase susceptibility of vegetable crops to many disases and particularly to Fusarium and Verticillium wilts. Resistant varieties become susceptible when the irrigation water has a high salt content. The attitude that pesticides are the universal panaceas is still prevailing among many vegetable growers. Because the same pesticides are being used over long periods, resistance against pesticides has developed in many deseases. Crops rotation and greenhouse rotations are not effective because the alternative crops are often susceptible to the same diseases. In addition, many weeds act as alternative hosts to diseases and should, therefore, be controlled. Weeds are infected for instance by Leveillula taurica and Verticillium dahliae. The other cultural practices such as nursery management, elimination of crop residues, sowing and planting time, choice of the resistant varieties and of the plant spacing, are not always properly adopted. All vegetable seeds are imported and are certified. However, many tests have shown that tomato or melon seeds could be infected respectively by Clavibacter michiganense and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.melonis.

To avoid these problems, an integratedd disease management program (IDM) based on local research results was as implemented by some growers. The IDM program integrates all the suitable technics and methods in a compatible ways to maintain the pest populations at levels below the economic injury level.

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