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Estimation of the Parasitic Load of Tiflet River

Auteur : Idrissa Sylla, Driss Belghyti, Khadija El Kharrim ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2010
Type : Article
Thème : Agriculture
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

Surface waters are currently threatened by various sources of pollution: punctual and diffuse. Scarcity of water in Sidi Yahia city obliges farmers to use water of Tiflet river for irrigation. The aim of our study is to determine the parasitic load of tiflet river (qualitative and quantitative characterization).

Results show the presence of helminths eggs, 5.45 eggs/l of Trichuris sp., 2.73 eggs/l for Nematodirus sp, 3.03 eggs/l for Enterobius vermicularis, 1.82 egg/l for Toxocara sp. 3.03 eggs/l of strongyles and 10.91 strongyles larvae.Among cestodes we recorded an average of 4.85 eggs/l Hymenolepis diminuta. Concentrations of helminths eggs found in samples of waste water of the Tiflet river of Sidi Yahia exceed the standards recommended by the World Health Organization (≤ 1 viable nematode egg per liter) and the Standards Norms for Moroccan waters for irrigation. This is a huge health risk in case of re-use without prior treatment.

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