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Management of Scarce Water Resources and Mitigation of Drought in Dry Areas

Collectivite Auteur : ICARDA
Année de Publication : 2005
Type : Etude
Thème : Agriculture
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

The Management of Scarce Water Resources and Mitigation of Drought in Dry Areas Mega-Project focuses on strategic research on sustainably increasing water productivity, and has expanded its scope from the farm to the watershed and basin level. Partnerships within the Challenge Program on Water and Food and with IWMI have been established to achieve a complementarity whereby ICARDA focuses on assessing and improving on-farm water productivity and IWMI focuses on out-scaling to the basin level. Increased emphasis is being placed on the assessment of scarce water resources, including both fresh and marginal-quality water, and their sustainable allocation to various uses.

By linking to other Mega-Projects of ICARDA, Mega-Project 1 integrates research on drought preparedness and mitigation through the optimal management of water resources and use of adapted crops and crop varieties and appropriate crop-ping patterns. The research and capacity building across the dry areas on developing drought mitigation packages is conducted within a network with FAO, CIHEAM and NARS. The drought network benefits from the intergovernmental system of the FAO and the strong Mediterranean partners of ICARDA and CIHEAM.

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