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GIS Based Reservoir Planning for the Souss Basin, Morocco

Auteur : Asante Kwabena Oduro, Maidment David R.
Année de Publication : 1997
Type : Article
Thème : Agriculture
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

This research was undertaken to develop a map-based surface water simulation model of a river basin, incorporating the operation of reservoirs. The Souss River in Morocco and the three major reservoirs located within the basin were used as the study case in the research which focused on simulating the effects of reservoirs on flow in the basin. A surface water simulation program developed at the University of Texas at Austin was customized to enable it to simulate the operation of reservoirs with variable monthly demands. The program was developed in the object-oriented programming language, Avenue, of the GIS software ArcView. Rainfall data from 48 rain gages stations spanning a 60 year period from 1935 to 1995 were processed into daily and monthly time series. Flow time series were also generated from runoff data collected at 6 gauging stations in the basin. Historical operation data from each of the three Souss reservoirs were also processed into time series and incorporated into the simulation to enable basin response to be predicted accurately. The effects of temporal scale on modeling effort and results were also explored by performing daily and monthly simulations. An ArcView extension called DAMS was constructed to enable the user to insert and remove dams as required. The extension includes preprocessing programs for creating reservoir operation and regulation tables, varying monthly water allocations and setting initial reservoir storage. It also contains a postprocessor for generating a summary of performance of the reservoirs during the simulation period. The reservoir simulation was successfully completed and recorded storage levels were successfully reproduced using inflow data recorded in the reservoir operation tables. However, reservoir inflows generated by the surface water simulation model did not closely resemble those recorded in the operation tables, particularly during periods of highly variable flow.

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