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Financing access to water and sanitation in the Mediterranean : Is innovative funding a solution or an illusion

Auteur : Orjebin-Yousfaoui Caroline
Année de Publication : 2014
Type : Etude
Thème : Agriculture
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :


I- The issues of access to water and sanitation in the Mediterranean
1- Limited freshwater resources
2- An increasing water consumption
3- A major social and health issue
4- Controversial uses of water
5- National strategies that favoured increased supply instead of dealing with demand
II- Financing access to water and sanitation
1- Benefits of investing in the sector of access to water and sanitation
2- Complementary resources to develop: innovative funding
3- Innovative Financing Mechanisms used to raise new public resources
4- Financial tools with a leverage effect

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