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Value Chain and Typicity Analysis in Jaén Mountain Olive Oil, Spain

Auteur : Sanz-Cañada Javier, García-Brenes Manuel David, Barneo-Alcántara Manuel
Année de Publication : 2015
Type : Article
Thème : Agriculture
Couverture : Espagne

Résumé/Sommaire :

Traditional mountain olive groves – on slopes greater than 15%, non-irrigated and low-yielding – constitute 40% of the Jaén olive cultivation land. We estimate the profitability of the Jaén’s olive oil value chain and its spatial differentiation, segmenting the analysis by : types of cultivation systems; its location in mountain or lowland areas; phases of the supply chains; and bulk and bottled oil chains. A first objective is to examine the competitive disadvantages of local mountain olive oil systems, verifying that a great majority of the mountain oils have a negative private profitability. Another objective is to prove if mountain oils present characteristics of typicity, compared to lowland oils, which may generate marketing-mix attributes that enhance obtaining differentiation-related income. Special attention is paid to designation of origin and organic farming labels.

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