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Digitalization meets agricultural challenges : Capstone report

Auteur : El Bakkouri Ghita
Collectivite Auteur : Al Akhawayn University
Année de Publication : 2020
Type : Thèse / Mémoire
Thème : Agriculture
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

In Morocco, agriculture is considered as one of the most important economic sectors as it generates around 14% of the gross domestic product (GDP), but with significant variations depending on each year’s weather conditions. The country's growth rate is strongly correlated with that of agricultural production and this latter is the main provider of jobs in the country, far ahead of other economic sectors with 40% of the population working in the agricultural field.
Since agriculture is very crucial for the growth of the Moroccan economy, it is always beneficial to boost that industry with creative digital innovations that will aim at maximizing profits, and minimizing costs and damages while still abiding by the necessary ethics. Therefore, within the framework of this capstone, I will work on making a small system made primarily of an Arduino board and a DHT11 sensor in order to sense temperature and air humidity. A time-series analysis will be performed later on in order to make predictions based on pre-existing data.
This latter will help farmers make smarter and earlier decisions to protect their crops and increase yields, depending on the collected and forecasted data.

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