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The advanced agronomic training system in Morocco

Auteur : Firdawcy Larbi
Type : Article
Thème : Agriculture
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

Since independence in 1956, Moroccan students have followed general or specialized agronomic studies in over 29 schools in nine different countries.

This has several serious disadvantages:

- the uprootingo f students during their studies;

-the preparation of future professionals in a biophysical, economic and human environment radically different from the one inw hich they are to perform their duties. They thus approach Moroccan agriculture in near ignorance of its specific character and problems;

-the extreme diversity of such training. While pluralism in training is useful for research activities and interestingf or the private sector, it is inconvenient for a young and independent country which needs to build a strong administration and initiate development programs.

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