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Sub-saharan africa challenge programme : medium term plan 2007-2009

Date de publication : 01/06/2006
Type : Rapport
Thème : Agriculture

Résumé/Sommaire :

The extensive consultations that led to the formulation of the Sub-Saharan Africa Challenge Programme (SSA-CP) concluded that the principal constraint of African agricultural research is not the lack of scientific excellence or expertise, but rather a failure to translate research outputs into developmental impact at significant scales. In order for research to play a more effective role in catalyzing development, enabling conditions in the realms of markets and policies need to be fostered, and harmonization of distinct institutional agendas and practices need to be fostered among a diversity of actors (e.g., diverse farmer demographic groups, farmers’ associations, entrepreneurs, NGOs, Cobs, development-oriented organizations, ministries, and research and extension agencies).

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