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Territory and innovation behaviour in agri-food firms : does rurality matter?

Auteur : García Alvarez-Coque José Maria, López-García Usach Teresa, Sanchez García Mercedes
Année de Publication : 2013
Type : Article
Thème : Agriculture
Couverture : Espagne

Résumé/Sommaire :

Innovation behaviour of agri-food firms depends on the firm structure but also on the characteristics of the territory in which they are established. Spatial considerations are important to determine the propensity of a firm to innovate. Using a database of innovative and non-innovative agroi-food firms located in the Autonomous Community of Valencia, the paper assesses the effect of firms’ variables and also the territorial features such as urban/rural areas, percentage of native population, education level of population and distance to technological institutes. Results show that rural areas are not a handicap for innovation but improved access to training services and technological institutes have a significant influence ion innovation.

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