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Rural Development Policies in Egypt

Auteur : Soliman Ibrahim, Gaber Mohamed
Type : Article
Thème : Agriculture
Couverture : Egypte

Résumé/Sommaire :

The study classified the Rural Development programs in Egypt into four eras the era of rural reform policies before 1973, The era of rural development policies associated with liberalization of the Egyptian Economy (1973-1993) and included the establishing of “the Village Development and Building up Device The era of establishing the nati onal project “SHROOK, The current era (from 2008-till now) which includes mainly the national program for targeting Poorest 1000 villages. The study, also, provided a profile of the EU’s (CAP),which provided lessons to be learned from the multidimensional compliance and the effective Implementation Of conditional income support. The caudal section provided the recommended dimensions and mechanisms for the strategy of rural development

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