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Planning and neo-endogenous model for a sustainable development in Spanish rural areas

Auteur : Tolón-Becerra Alfredo, Lastra-Bravo Xavier
Date de publication : 09/12/2009
Type : Actes de congrès / Séminaire / Atelier
Thème : Agriculture
Couverture : Espagne

Résumé/Sommaire :

Changes in rural areas in recent decades have resulted in a new approach to local rural development, conceptualized as "neo-endogenous development". This article describes the main characteristics of this new development model, which is based on three pillars, harnessing endogenous potential, developing social capital (endogenous units, local/global actors and neo-endogenous units), and promoting local participative democracy. Then, the balance of top-down - bottom-up approaches and their relationship to improved strategic planning for rural areas are analyzed. Finally, co-construction of a local sustainable development plan, by means of a knowledge model based on the experience of the University of Almeria Rural Engineering Research Group is proposed.

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