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Eradication of poverty and hunger

Collectivite Auteur : FAO, IFAD
Date de publication : 27/06/2005
Année de Publication : 2005
Type : Rapport
Thème : Agriculture
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

Action to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and other goals set by the conferences and summits of the 1990s should be based on the recognition that such goals are multidimensional, multisectoral and interdependent. For achieving MDG 1, recognition of the close relationship between poverty and hunger is critical. It is well understood that extreme poverty is at the root of chronic hunger. Poor people do not possess the means to access and/or produce the food necessary for an active and healthy life and are more vulnerable to destitution, following extreme events. Meeting the targets of MDG is a shared responsibility of rich and poor nations. Strategies for reaching the MDGs must by tailored to individual countries, but certain general elements are critical for success.

To be effective, actions and initiatives to achieve MDG need to be adequately funded through a combination of public and private resources. Several initiatives bring the promise of a substantial increase in future resources available for the achievement of the MDGs. In conformity with the Millennium Compact, NEPAD is giving priority to improved governance, with an emphasis on inclusiveness, conflict prevention and anti-corruption activities. Its African Peer Review Mechanism has been endorsed by the African Union as a key means for regionwide peer pressure for positive change. In the Maputo Declaration, African Heads of State and Government made a commitment to raise the share of their national budgets allocated to agriculture and rural development to 10 percent within five years. Many African countries have programmes and strategies in place to revitalize agriculture.

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