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Introduction to Molecular Farming Production of pharmaceutical proteins using plants

Auteur : Schiermeyer Andreas, Fischer Rainer
Date de publication : 20/02/2008
Type : Actes de congrès / Séminaire / Atelier
Thème : Agriculture

Résumé/Sommaire :


- The Fraunhofer Society in Profile

- Examples of approved biopharmaceuticals

- Biopharmaceuticals in the pipeline

- From the idea to the market – the demands

- Molecular farming

- A typical Molecular Farming project

- Plant expression hosts

- Plant expression vector pTRA

- Recombinant protein targeting

- Rapid testing: transient transformation

- scFv accumulation in different plant cell compartments

- Selection of transgenic plants using DsRed

- Monitoring of transgenic plants

- Plant-based production systems

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