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Agricultural subsidies, poverty, and the environment : supporting a domestic reform agenda in developing countries

Auteur : La Vina Antonio, Fransen Lindsey, Faeth Paul, ... [et al.]
Date de publication : 01/01/2007
Type : Rapport
Thème : Agriculture
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

This Policy Note analyzes the effects of U.S. and other developed-country agricultural subsidies on the environment and on poverty in developing countries. It makes a case for subsidy reduction and proposes a policy reform agenda to help developing countries capitalize on these reductions and turn their agriculture sectors into vehicles for sustainable development.

Further, this Policy Note highlights the types of policies, laws, and programs that can affect sustainable agricultural development with or without an agreement by the World Trade Organization’s Doha Trade Round, specifically those measures that :

1 - Empower poor farmers.

2 - Integrate poverty alleviation and environmental goals.

3 - Promote sustainable agricultural practices that will protect ecosystems and their ability to provide for the farmers who depend on them.

4 - Promote better governance of the agricultural sector.

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