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Résumé/Sommaire :

Geology and geomorphology, called commonly geoheritage, play an important role in any sustainable development process. Moreover, a growing interest in the preservation and enhancement of geodiversity is attested by the proliferation of scientific research in this area. The present work concerns the geology of the Tidzi Diapir geosite that is a part of the inventory project of the geological and geomorphological heritage of Essaouira province. The approach used is inspired by the methodology developed by the IUGL, modified according to the need of the study. The results are stored in a database and visualized via interactive digital mapping. The goal is to develop an inventory that preserves geoheritage and promotes it as a lever for local socio-economic development through the creation of new income-generating activities through geotourism. This initiative is important in a region with a high unemployment, harsh natural conditions and impressive geodiversity.

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