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Climate Refugees : A Major Challenge of International Community and Africa

Auteur : Jaldi Abdessalam, El Ouassif Amal
Année de Publication : 2022
Type : Etude
Thème : Territoire

Résumé/Sommaire :

From socio-economic crises to the scourges of war, through natural disasters and environmental degradation, the world's history is marked by events leading to mass migration, exacerbating the phenomenon of climate refugees. Today, environmental phenomena prompt many inhabitants to choose exile in search of more stable horizons. It is essential to note that no legal text, either global or regional, considers the case of climate refugees. Given the lack of a specific legal regime for climate refugees, global and regional organizations have no de-facto mandate to assist these individuals, increasing their vulnerability and further complicating the evolution of international law. Experts stress the need to define a legal status for climate refugees to create a protection mechanism for people displaced by climate-related disasters. In this regard, the African continent provides a promising perspective.

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