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Creating territorial value : towards new sustainable business models

Auteur : Mansri Sara, Lahrach Rahhal
Date de publication : 09/09/2022
Type : Actes de congrès / Séminaire / Atelier
Thème : Territoire
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

To move forward a sustainable and equitability territorial development; the need to find new innovative sustainable business models is essential to achieve value creation in a world with limited resources. Given their great technological, social and organizational diversity, these new business models have a common hybrid of entrepreneurial and territorial projects that contribute to an integral evolution of wealth creation through an innovative and sustainable process. This paper aims to show how Moroccan companies can capture this strategic potential of sustainable development by integrating social and environmental issues through adopting a new sustainable business model to create territorial value. From reading a record of new sustainable Business Models, the work is interested in deciphering the processes and analyzing the potential results of what we call territorial value creation in Morocco. We show, from some case studies, the processes and forms as well as the obstacles to the implementation of these new sustainable Business Models on a larger scale. The results of this research allow for refining the understanding of the understanding of the process of territorial value creation through the adoption of new sustainable Business Models associated with it.

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