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Progress Report for the Education for All–Fast-Track Initiative

Collectivite Auteur : Fast Track Initiative
Année de Publication : 2006
Type : Rapport
Thème : Développement humain

Résumé/Sommaire :


I. Background

What Is EFA

What Is FTI


Country Participation in FTI

II. Progress in Country and Donor Policies and Actions

Donor Harmonization Is Key

Shifts in Country Policy Have Accompanied Scale-Up under FTI

III. Education Results under FTI

Progress in Education Outcomes

Progress In Service Delivery

Progress in Domestic Resources Mobilization

IV. Donor Financing

FTI is a Catalyst, Not a Funding Mechanism

Aid for Education is Increasing – but More Resources Will Be Required

Global Funding Needs

The FTI Catalytic Fund and the Education Program Development Fund

V. Challenges for the Future

VI. Questions for the Committee

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