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MEDFRIEND : Global perspectives for the UNESCO research network in hydrology for the Mediterranean

Auteur : Mahé Gil, Bakalowicz Michel, Boyer Jean-François ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2010
Type : Article
Thème : Information écologique

Résumé/Sommaire :

MEDFRIEND is one of the eight FRIEND programs of the UNESCO International Hydrological Program. Its goal is to enhance research collaboration between neighbouring countries in hydrology and related sciences, within several major research themes in the area. The research themes are: erosion and solid transport; coastal ecohydrology; karst hydrogeology; extreme events; flow regimes and water resources: assessment of global changes. A common database has been built and is available for program members. The MEDFRIEND program started in January 2009, following the first FRIEND-AMHY program started in 1991. There are for now 17 countries in the MEDFRIEND group. Activities coordinated by FRIEND are as follows : scientific workshops, international conferences, training courses, scientific exchange.

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