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Kingdom of Morocco : Country Strategic Opportunities Programme : 2022-2027

Collectivite Auteur : IFAD
Date de publication : 17/11/2021
Type : Livre
Thème : Etablissements humains
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

I. Country context and rural sector agenda : key challenges and opportunities
II. Government policy and institutional framework
III. IFAD engagement : lessons learned
IV. Country strategy
A. Comparative advantage
B.Target group and targeting strategy
C. Overall goal and strategic objectives
D. Scope of IFAD interventions
V. Innovations and scaling up of sustainable results
VI. COSOP implementation
A. Financial envelope and cofinancing targets
B. Resources for non-lending activities
C. Key strategic partners and development coordination
D. Beneficiary engagement and transparency
E. Programme management arrangements
F. Monitoring and evaluation
VII. Risk management

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